Thursday, January 28, 2016

Jazz types

In jazz band there is always a bunch of different types of songs that we play or example some songs we swing, and others are rock. Some we just play straight how it’s written and others we have to change the rhythm.

Every year jazz band is a blast. You never know exactly what you are going to play or who is going to be in it. There is also always a different arrangement of instruments because not the same people do it every year. Some people drop out of it and new people join.

While jazz 2 doesn’t play as hard of music as jazz 1 we still play pretty complicated stuff. Some parts are not as hard as others and some instruments have it easier than some of the others. But even if you have an easier part or if you think you know it, you should still practice outside of rehearsal because when it gets put together with everyone as a whole group it is a lot harder because there is so much other stuff that you have to listen for. You also have to know who has the melody (main part) and not cover it up.

All in all jazz band is a lot of fun and well worth trying it. So if you play an instrument and have the opportunity to be in a jazz band try it, if you don’t like it then you don’t have to keep going but it is worth a try.

Memorizing music in marching band

During marching band you have to be able to play all of the music without needing the sheet of music in front of you. You have to memorize the whole show because you don’t have a break where you can go and take a quick look at your music if you forgot part of it, you just have to keep going through the show until the end without stopping.

Most of the time there is about 3 or 4 different pieces of music in one marching band show. It all depends on what the show is and what the director wants to put in the show. And it also depends on how long the songs are and how fast you have them going.

Memorizing your music is a MUST, it is very hard to make through a show if you don’t know it, for a couple different reasons. For example many people know where they are supposed to be on the field by where they are in the music, it is kind of like a que in a way.

Also knowing your music and where it changes tempo or dynamics is a big thing, cause if the music slows down then so does the marching and if you don’t know where that is then you are not gonna know the marching slows down as well so you will stand out.

You also have memory tests with one of the directors during marching band, usually during the first or second week of school. If you don’t know the music there is a big possibility that you will fail you’re playing tests and there are multiple tests for everything. So if you fail you’re playing tests there is a big chance that you will not pass the class with a very good grade. And it is not easy to fail band. So just do yourself a favor and memorize the music.

Learning words to a song

Many people are able to memorize song lyrics quickly and without thinking. For example if a song comes on the radio, you can most likely just start singing, but if you try to sing to the same song later by memory it is probably a little more difficult.

Many people don’t even really think about it when a song comes on the radio they just know the words to that particular song, and I’m pretty sure this is mostly accurate for a lot of people. A lot of people need a song playing while trying to sing a certain song and those that don’t have probably heard the song a lot and practiced it or focused on the words.

For example a couple of people that I know will try to sing a song even if they don’t know it. So in the car, if a song comes on that they don’t know they will mumble words that sound like they fit. And they will do that again and again until they can sing the song through it without messing up. And even then they still need the song playing in order to sing it.

It’s always weird when you learn a song because you are never quite sure when and how you learned it and memorized all the words and rests and stuff.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016


IBA is kinda sort of a big deal for all high school bands, and all band directors basically everywhere. IBA stands for Iowa Band masters Association. Some of the best bands, and band directors go there every year.

Last year the Kennedy Wind Symphony was selected to go to IBA and preform. The band had to work their tails off to perfect their music. It’s not very often one of the Cedar Rapids High School Bands get chosen to go preform at IBA.

2 years ago the Kennedy Wind Symphony and the flute choir went to IBA. The Wind Symphony played in a little clinic thing with a very well-known band director and a couple inspiring band directors.

There were some people in the flute choir who were not in Wind Symphony, so those people were able to watch while the Wind Symphony had their clinic. Then later that day the flute choir held a little performance in the lobby in the building everything was being held at.

If you are a musician or love music and have the chance to go to IBA, TAKE IT! Its well worth the time and money. It’s such a great experience and you see a lot of really cool things and a bunch of really great bands that you have never seen, or probably even heard of before.

Associating songs with everyday things

Many people use everyday songs, or lyrics to help them remember things or help make something seem more real. Some people probably think that it’s stupid, or a waste of time, but to those people who do associate things with music or song lyrics, it’s just another daily thing. Just like going to school or work or sleeping.

Some people even associate people with songs. Like many relationships have their “song” that they share together. That way when they hear the song, they can think about that person and all the great times that they have had together, or why that person makes them happy. And why that song is theirs.

Other people connect songs with promises, such as my cousin and I, the song, Break Away by Kelly Clarkson has become to mean a lot to both of us for multiple reasons. Such as that is our “getting out of here song”. So every time either of the two of us hears that song, we think about the future and getting out of here.

Maybe associating things with music is hard for people to understand. Next time a song comes on just listen to it and think. Just see what comes to your head, and see if you think the same thing the next time it comes on. The results might surprise you, you might be doing it without even realizing.

Music in religion

Many churches use music during their service or mass to make a message stronger, or just to get a point across. In some cases they use music before, during, or after communion, or at the start of the service, or even before or after the pastor and or priest gives their sermon, or the message of that day.

            Although everyone has different views on religion, and how they go about worshiping their religion. For example, some people go to church, while other people worship from home and some people don’t worship at all. It is all a matter of what you believe in and what you think is true. Everyone believes in different things and thinks different ways about religion.

            Within the thousands of different religion, a majority of them, if not all of them, use some sort of music to help with their worship. Whether it be a church choir, or a little band playing different instruments. Music is a big part of the way people worship. It just isn’t one of the first things people think about when talking or thinking about religion.