Sunday, September 20, 2015


Johnston is usually the first competition that the 2015 Cougar Marching band takes place in. This year was no different. Saturday September 19th, we loaded the bus to head to Johnston High School. It was a pretty great day and a decent first performance. This year we were a lot farther along and had a lot more drill on the field compared to the last two years.

My freshmen year, the 2013 marching band. That year our show was from the movie and play Alice in Wonderland; Lost in Wonderland. That year, it didn't start out all that well. Going in to Johnston we had maybe 10 sets of drill on the field, at the most. Compared to this year where we have 43 sets of drill on the field already. But we ended out the year strong, In about 7th place at Valley(Valley is our biggest competition).

My sophomore year, which would be the 2014 Couagr Marching Band, we had about the whole opener on the field which is a big step up from the last year. The opener has on average maybe 25-30 sets at the most, which is pretty decent. Our show that year was from the tv hit Dr. Who. 

Each year we get better and better, like this year we have done better with our marching stay than the last two years, and we haven't done as well with our upper body placement and marching while facing the sideline. So we do have our strengths and weaknesses, but all in all we are a tough band, and we get what we need to get done.

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