When you get
into the car what is the first thing you do? Put the key in, seatbelt on, and
turn on the radio? I know personally that is how it goes for me and many people
that I know or are in my family. For many turning on the radio when they get in
the car is just like putting the key in the ignition and starting it.
The great
thing about the radio, is that there is so many different stations. There is
stations such as 96.5 or 98.1 for people who prefer to listen to country music;
then there are stations such as 102.9 or 92.3 for people who like pop music.
There is also the oldies and the Christian stations, so everyone can find at least
one station that they like.
There is
also down fall with the radio. Now a days there are so many commercials. When
you turn on a station, most of the time no more than 3 songs come on before
there is another commercial or a talk show. That is a reason some people prefer
to listen to a CD versus the radio.
I feel that
most people, when driving by themselves, with no one else in the car just turn
on the radio just for the noise, sometimes people don’t even listen to it. It
is more for the background noise, more than for the actual song, or the lyrics,
or what is being said.
There are
also some people that turn on the radio and turn it up so loud for absolutely no
reason at all. Some people do it to irritate the drivers around them, or even
to block out the noise or the other people in the car with them. In some
circumstance I think it is okay to have music playing loudly, as long as you
can still concentrate and focus on the road, and still able to hear sirens if
something happens.
There is a
down fall to listening to the music too loud though. Such as, from personal
experiences, people who have their music really loud while driving are more
likely to speed or are more likely to drive recklessly and take their eyes off
the road a lot to either mess around with the radio, or to change the station,
or the volume level, or even change the CD that is in.
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