Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Changes over the ages

  There have been many changes in the way music is portrayed in the last 70 years (http://gizmodo.com/how-music-has-evolved-in-the-past-70-years-1485770090) Many different aspects have contributed to the way the music has changed. The website named above listed many different things to help give reasoning and proof of the way that is has changed.

          A couple ways that music has changed in the last 70 years are: it is more energetic, less organic, louder, and faster. All of these things have different aspects but they all trace back to the one thing that they are all about, MUSIC.

          Music has started to become less organic, which basically means that it is more electronic now than it has been in the past. This is not a bad thing, because it has gotten more people interested in music, but it also takes away from the artist’s uniqueness.

          As everyone knows today’s music is faster, for example: rap. In most rap songs today it is hard to understand what they are even saying because the song is going so fast and they are talking/rapping too fast for many people to catch on to what they are saying.

          Music is becoming way LOUDER, and that is easy to understand. More and more people enjoy rolling their windows down with their favorite songs blasting on the radio, because that has been the normal way that people have become used to listening to it.

          Another change is that music has become more energetic. Although it might be a little different change and a little hard to understand. It makes sense because people and artists today get more into the music that they sing or preform and the people that listen to it enjoy it more and more.

          Throughout all the changes that are happening in music there are still things that stay the same. One of the things that have stayed the same is the people who listen to it, even though people switch back and forth in between different genres of music, people still continue to listen to it and find a certain artist, group, or just type of music that they really enjoy listening to.

          Many artists have also had to make a change as the music industry is changing. Sometimes it is harder to tell what ones and who have changed because they are usually not super big changes all happening at one time. They are usually smaller changes that occur over a longer period of time. Miley Cyrus, Brittney Spears; etc. The list is never ending. Even Taylor Swift has changed with the music industry. She has changed the genre that she associates herself with. Everyone used to know her as a country singer, but now she is more of a pop singer and not everyone likes that.
As music changes the overall concept stays the same. Although not all of the changes that have been made are good ones; for example take a look at Miley Cyrus and what the fame has done to her and how much it has changed her as a person as well as changing her music.

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