Friday, November 20, 2015

Different bands

There are several different types of bands. There is the actual pop star bands, then there is marching band, concert band, jazz band, combo, honor bands, and then of course drum corps. Each of them have very different opportunities to go different directions with music. You just have to find what you like and what you want to do and go for it.

The first one is a pop star band. They are very hard to get into and not very many instruments, because many times the lead singer or another member of the group itself plays a guitar or something so that really limits the choices and the needs for many bands. And you have to be a perfect player and able to play without music flawlessly. Also don’t forget, no stage fright. You can’t be afraid to play in front of people cause there will always be eyes on you at a performance.

The next type of band is marching band. This is a group effort, and I know I talk about marching band a lot and that’s only because of how much it means to me. There is so much time and effort put into it but it really pays off. There no way to explain the feeling you get after marching off the field when you know you had a great performance.

Then there is concert band; concert band is not all it’s cracked up to be. Now I’m not saying it’s not fun. But everyday it’s the same thing. Go to the band room, get your instrument out, sit in your seat and play. Many times it’s the same piece for weeks at a time. So it can get kinda boring at some points, but it’s still band so its cool.

There is also jazz band. You get to choose if you want to be in jazz band or not. This year is my second year doing it and I love it. You are in a smaller band which gives you more opportunities to get solos, and who doesn’t love solos. You get the chance to show off your musically ability in front of many other musicians and families at concerts. For combo it is the show choir band, and in order to get into it you have to be in jazz band and willing to give up a lot of your time for it. You also have to audition with either Mrs. Fleer or Mr. Wacker.

Don’t forget about Drum Corps. This is a big deal, you have to audition and you are gone most of the summer to practice, these are the best of the best. They are marching bands with only brass, drumline, and color guard. They don’t take any winds, so if you are a wind player and want to be in drum corps you have to learn to play a brass instrument.

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