Thursday, November 19, 2015

Music therapy

Music therapy has become a bigger thing in the last couple years. ( It is a type of therapy that uses music, such as creating their own music, singing, dancing to, and listening to music to help the patients in other ways than typically what you would think of a therapist. It is extremely helpful to “address: physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs for children.”
This type of therapy also helps to provide an outlet for communication for people who find it hard to express who they are in words. The result of music therapy is effective in so many ways; it can help with “overall physical rehabilitation and facilitating movement, increasing the motivation in people to become engaged in their own treatment, provides emotional support for patients and families during this therapy, and also provides an outlet for the patients to express their feelings” instead of keeping them all inside.

Music therapy also helps with children with autism. Many children with autism have speech problems or just problems talking in general if they can talk at all, so music is very good for them. Since many people and children with autism cannot speak as well as others it is a very difficult task for them to express their feelings and emotions. “Music became the shorthand of William’s emotions. It gave him the opportunities for speech, emotional contact and mental focus” said by Leo Tolstoy, about Williams experience with music therapy.

So many people who have had music therapy either in the past or even now, have gotten so much help or are slowly working on getting help. Music therapy has become such a great branch of therapy. It targets certain people who it will help and it is more focused on that one patient it isn’t as generalized as most types of therapy, whether it be physical therapy or a therapist you just talk to.

Thank You

Music therapy teaches
 Social skills.
 It's about communication.
 It's about what William's taught,
 In nurturing situations.
 He's learned patience
 And tolerance,
 Growing in many ways.
 His social skills developed,
 Made him what he is today.
 So, thank you for your guidance,
 As only music can touch.
 Thank you for reaching our William,
 Because it means so much.
Parent testimonial, written by Tamera Norris

This was a letter written by William’s mother, who was talked about above, and how much music therapy has helped him and his family.

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