Monday, December 14, 2015

Band kids

With as much time band kids have to spend together, you would think we would get sick of each other and with some people that is the case, but most of the time spending all this time with everyone it just makes us all that much closer.

During marching band we are always together, we have marching band every day during 1st hour plus every Monday night from 6-9 pm, then competitions on Saturdays and the bus rides there and back, and even rehearsal before leaving school or when we get back. Plus don’t forget football games.

During concert band season we are still always together, every day we still have band and after school rehearsals for Jazz Band, plus there is Combo in the evenings. There is always something going on. Especially once basketball season kicks up, then we have pep band for all the home games.

Sometimes we all get tired of some people but we just have to bite our tongue and deal with each other because we are always together, there’s no getting rid of us. There are rarely ever any problems between people in band because we all know much time we have to spend together and how awkward the tension gets, and we are all there for the same reason. We just want to play our instruments and become better players.

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