Monday, December 14, 2015

Jazz Band

There is three different jazz bands at Kennedy. Normally there are only two but this year is special. For the past two years there have not been very many people in jazz two but this year we had 40 people who wanted to be in jazz two so we had to split the group into two separate bands.

This year we have Jazz 1 which is the top jazz band and then we have Jazz 2 and Jazz 2.5 which are the “beginner” jazz bands.

Even though we are separate bands we still all do stuff together, for example Jazz 1 and Jazz 2/2.5 go to some of the same Jazz Band Competitions. Although Jazz 1 go to some competitions that Jazz 2 doesn’t because they are the “better” band and are stronger as a band.

In Jazz 2 you can play almost any instrument, while in Jazz one you can only play the “normal” jazz instruments. Jazz 2 allows flutes and clarinets if they want to join.

Jazz band is always a lot of fun, although it takes up a lot of time, it is so much worth your time. And it doesn’t take all that much effort. As long as you know your music you should be good.

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