Monday, March 21, 2016

Suicide by: Rihanna

Judging by the title of the song, it seems kind of gruesome and depressing but when you actually sit down and listen to the song with its entirety you come to realize that, it isn’t quite the case with this particular song. Yes, there are probably other things she could have named this song,  but I think that by naming the song Suicide it helps get the full effect of the song out there in the open.

            The song is quite the opposite of what the title implies it to be. You would think it would be about someone passing away or killing themselves, but it is nowhere near that. This song is her version of how she sees being in love with the man she is with. She wants to be with him because she loves him, but she feels like she is slowly dying at the same time.

            No matter how many times you listen to this song, it doesn’t ever really get old, because it relates to so many people on a daily basis. There are lots of people out there in the world who think they are in love with someone, but they aren’t happy; but yet they still choose to stay because they think they are in love. People who are like that or are having that sort of issue in their life with people who they love, can really relate to this song because they are in the exact same boat as her.

            Rihanna is a very good singer and performer, many people feel different ways about her, some people hate her, while some people completely love her. No matter if you hate her guts, and would skip one of her songs if it came on or change the station if you heard her voice come on the radio; this song is completely worth listening to if you are having problems with a guy, or girl, or loved one. Even if you aren’t it’s still a great song to listen to!

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